Monday, December 7, 2009

Tick Tock Stock

V43 staying at a stationImage via Wikipedia
I had this moment in Ghana, and now I'm having it here. Its the attack of the ticking clock, the realisation that deadlines are approaching and goals are unmet. Throw in my own propensity for procrastination and the stage is set for a familiar refrain.

I am sitting on a patio in Saigon, quaffing a few cold ones. A stark glance at the calender has led me to do some soul searching. I am seriously considering ditching Hanoi from my itinerary in favour of a move south to some beach somewhere. I tell myself that it keeps me closer to Bangkok, where I must return to fly back to Toronto.

Then I have an epiphany that almost makes me slap myself in the face. The thing that spurred this entire journey was an article extolling the virtues of the train ride between Saigon and Hanoi. I've come so far and I'm so close, yet I'm actually considering throwing in the towel. I finish my pint, find a travel agent and book a ticket for the following day.

You can't get out of it now, can ya Stock? What a fool.