In a few hours one of the more interesting parts of my journey will begin. I am taking a train all the way from Saigon to Hanoi, a trip of some forty plus hours. I am booked in a shared sleeping cabin, which should make for some interesting travels.
I truly enjoy traveling by train, but this is an epic quest. It will also give me a chance to view some spectacular countryside and get some insight into real life in Vietnam.
I wish that I had more time to spend in Saigon, but I am getting to the point where time is becoming a factor, considering that I will have to find a way to get back to Bangkok for my return flight home.
On a personal note, I was shocked to recieve an email today informing me that my cousin Andrew had died in Edmonton. No other details were available. He was twenty four years old.
I did not know Andrew that well, but I will always remember him for his wicked sense of humour. May he rest in peace.
Suddenly I feel very small, and a long way from home.